Alaska, Mexico and Beyond…

“One Journey Leads to Another”

Oaxaca Bloomers

Seasons drift by subtly in Oaxaca, often defined by the blooming trees and bushes that delight us as the color palette changes throughout the year.


Primavera amarilla, Guayacá, tabebuia chrysantha


Bougainvillea and Primavera amarilla


Flamboyán, Tabachín, Royal Poinciana, Arbol de Fuego, delonix regia


Clavalina, Shaving brush tree, bombax palmeri

I used the following books for identification:
Arboles de México by Luis Lesur 2011 online store:

Tropical Flowering Plants by Kirsten Albrecht Llamas, 2003

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14 thoughts on “Oaxaca Bloomers

  1. Gorgeous feature photo

    • Thanks, I’m glad you like it. I had tried to get that tree from several locations, but there were always wires and poles in the way. Finally I went up an alley way, and got the bonus cat mural!

  2. Beautiful–I’ve seen some of these in Hawaii and Jamaica.

  3. Susan on said:

    Very nice; I liked the inclusion of the names

    • Thanks. I had been working on this for a long time but was frustrated with the book I was using. Karren came across the Arboles de México at a book fair, and I immediately bought a copy, which helped immensely.

  4. Thanks! Now I don’t have to borrow your book to identify my tree flower photos. 😉

  5. Oh how I love this post Marilyn! The gorgeous colorful flowers are a delight to the eyes! Thank you for brightening my day! 😊

  6. Thanks so much! As you know, bright colors abound in much of Latin America, and they certainly give a lift to the spirit!

  7. John Cooper on said:

    Lovely photos Marilyn, good to see you are still following the hobby. Hope to see you both some time😄😄

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